This platform is great for asking and responding to questions about the After The AP Data Science Challenge. Specifically, here are the types of questions that are best to ask:
Questions about using the Canvas platform for the course (e.g. "my student keeps getting locked out...")
Questions about the mechanics of using the code notebooks (e.g. "how do I 'run' a code cell in the notebook?")
Questions about coding that are specific to the project notebooks (e.g. "I can't get the select
function to run in the third cell of Notebook 1. Here's my code…")
Questions about statistics or conceptual ideas (e.g. "can someone explain how the idea of 'overfitting' from the machine learning part of Notebook 4?")
Questions about submitting to the prediction competition (e.g. "when is the submission deadline for the prediction competition at the end of Notebook 4?")
Questions about pedagogy and running the project as a teacher (e.g. "is it better to have students work self-paced through the notebooks, or do you go through it all together as a group?")
Asking your questions on here is the fastest way to get a response, as one of the admin team or a fellow teacher can all respond to your question. You can also search the current bank of questions and answers to see if your question has already been asked previously! There's a search bar at the top, and you can filter by tag.
We'd also encourage you to take some time to answer others' questions! This will help create a community of support for everyone undertaking the challenge nationwide. As you answer questions, you earn "reputation points" on the platform, which helps surface your questions and answers to the top.
If you have questions about coding that aren't specific to the challenge, like questions of the form "How do I do x in the R coding language?", we'd recommend first Googling your question. R is a language used by millions worldwide, so there are many pre-existing forums out there where you can find your answer 🙂