bkirk272 This is actually a little bit of a more advanced topic when it comes to linear models and their representation in R in general. It's a grad school level rabbit hole.
If you feel up to it, I recommend reading this Cross Validated post along with its answers for a more thorough explanation, or this Stack Overflow post for a more simplified version, or this simpler Cross Validated post that I just found. Or you can see the complexity I mean from this R-bloggers post. Briefly, interpreting in context means that you have to know which one R is using as its reference, because the values for the other ones are based off of that, but sometimes only if it's converted to an actual factor (categorical variable) first, rather than left as a character string in the data frame. And in certain contexts, they can also be viewed as simply the mean of that particular group. It's… complicated, to say the least. I have to brush up on it every time as well.
As far as interpreting strength, if I understand you correctly, that's a bit easier. Using the table from the third link up above, here's the output of using the summary()
command on the model:
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 5.565556 0.145851 38.159 < 2e-16 ***
animalfox 0.806634 0.131198 6.148 8.6e-10 ***
animalpig 0.010635 0.131259 0.081 0.9354
animalwolf 0.806650 0.131198 6.148 8.6e-10 ***
weight 0.007946 0.003815 2.083 0.0373 *
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
The Pr(>|t|) is the p-value of that particular coefficient, and the asterisks/dots/blanks on the side are a quick quick to tell you what particular value of alpha it might fall under.
If you wanted something like an R² value for each coefficient, then, at least with my current understanding, you may be out of luck. The p-value for each coefficient is typically what's used, and the entire model is judged based on its p-value and Multiple-R² (or Adjusted R², log-likelihood, Akaike information criterion, etc.).
Hope I haven't confused you too much! 😄